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le nectar colonial et le chop-chop

On Friday, Heather, Greg, Karen and I had dinner at Nectar Lounge, a wine bar in the Marina. The wine was fabulous - I especially liked their Bad-Ass Red Flights. And the food? Well, it was tasty, but apparently just not enough. I was satisfied, but I've also been on a diet for the last couple of weeks, so anything that's not a salad is really quite wonderful to me! Greg, Heather and Karen, on the other hand, were all still starving after dinner - Heather wanted sushi, and Karen even suggested pizza!

The moral of the story? Don't eat in the Marina :-)

Afterwards, we headed to Le Colonial, where one of Karen's friends from Cisco was having his going away party. We met up with Clyde and Carolyn, and spent all night alternatively avoiding / telling off slimy guys who couldn't dance. It was a great time, despite the fact that I lost my favorite purple fuzzy sweater (yes, the one I wear every day!). Wah!!!

Ahhh. Summer in San Francisco has Karen and Heather freezing their butts off.

Karen, me, Alex, and whoever that guy is that's leaving for Japan.

Clyde and Carolyn, those fabulous darlings!

On Sat morning - or should I say afternoon? - I crawled out of bed and headed straight for the acupuncturist. This week was much better than last. For one, I started reading a great book about Traditional Chinese Medicine - Between Heaven and Earth, A Guide to Chinese Medicine, by Harriet Beinfield - so I knew a bit more about what was going one. I also started seeing some results for the 1000 poo-pellet herbal supplements that she has me taking. But mostly it was because, after I froze and complained last week about how COLD it was, my acupuncturist put me on a heated massage table. It was so warm that I was sweating (not to mention about 20 degrees warmer outside to begin with)!

After my semi-torture session, I headed straight over to Gene and chopped all of my hair off. In reality, we preserved much of the length - part of Gene's long-term strategy/con to get me to grow my hair out. But he definitely chopped off a whole bunch of layers, and while I'm slightly nervous that I look like a butch now, I really like it :-)

I wonder if I'll ever manage to grow my hair long...


