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red, blue or a slight shade of purple?

I heard this fantastic piece on Fresh Air (NPR) last night about political typology. Every 5 years, the Pew Research Center conducts a study polling Americans on their political leanings. As intelligent people have known for some time (and newscasts largely ignore), there's more to American politics than just being "Red" or "Blue".

Read the article here.

Hey baby, what's your type? Take the poll to see where you lean.

Not suprisingly, I was categorized as an Upbeat - "Financially well-off moderates who express positive views of their finances, government performance and business, (www.npr.org)." That's about right. While chatting with Miriam, I realized the main differentiation between me and her is the religion issue - her type is much more secular, while Upbeats hold "[t]he highest proportion of Catholics (30%) and white mainline Protestants (28%) of all groups, although fewer than half (46%) attend church weekly, (Pew Research Center)." The only thing that bothered me about my typing is that 63% of my fellow Upbeats voted for Bush. Yeah, I'm more traditional than most San Franciscans, but even I'm not that far out.

I'd like to think of myself as a pretty shade of purple. Lavendar, to be specific.


