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The MINI dealership just called me and told me that I have a cracked oil pan, and that it will cost $1100 to fix. HOLY SHIT. That also means that I did the damage (although I don't recall what I might have hit to crack the damn thing) so therefore its not covered under warranty.

I. Am. Not. Happy.

Thankfully, I went to Spinning last night, which incidentally, kicked my ass, so I'm too sore to punch anything right now. I might go and do it later today anyway.

In other non-car or stress related news, I think I'm retiring the Robustagut blog. Its too much work to put my postings in two places, and Fernando isn't updating it anyways. Besides, I found this Notes function on the Weight Watchers site that allows me to keep my food journal. Duh, its always been there, I just never thought to use it. This is quite timely, considering I'm starting on the Body Intelligence program to compliment my weight loss efforts.


