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a patriotic 4th

We spent the 4th of July in the most patriotic way possible... watching the World Cup, in Spanish, while munching on crepes.

I've never watched soccer before, but it was an exciting game. After playing 0-0 against Germany the whole game, Italy scored two kick-ass goals in the last 5 minutes of overtime to move onto the finals.

I wonder if anyone will actually be going to work tomorrow, given the France-Portugal game starts at 11.

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Nicolas and May Li

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Eric flexes his crêpe-making skills

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The Tarte!

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Jessica makes her lemon dessert crêpe

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Enraptured watching

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The Über Spatula

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Spanking Fernando for naughtiness

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Fernando and Volker on a conference call (!!!!)

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Falling off the balcony


