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memoirs of a geisha... and a naughty puppy

Last night, the parents and I went out to the movies. This is a favorite tradition in our household. We all love movies; yet, Mom and Dad never have time to go except during the holidays, and most of my friends have this thing against watching movies in the theatres. ("Its so expensive," they complain of the $10 ticket price, and then proceed to spend $70 on dinner.)

As expected, Mommy wanted to see Memoirs of a Geisha. And, as expected, Daddy didn't. So we went off into separate theatres - me and Mommy for Geisha, and Dad for Narnia.

Despite what my friends have said about it ("hated the Americanized ending", "book was so much better") and what the critics have complained about ("why use Chinese actresses for a Japanese movie in English?"), I actually liked it. Once I learned that they were making a movie, I purposesly didn't read the book - because the movie NEVER lives up to the book. So I had no idea what was going to happen. I do agree that Sayuri's big dance was like she was having an epileptic fit, but it was beautifully shot, and I love most of the actors involved. There just aren't that many famous Asian actors around, and even though I can see why people complained, I still think we've come so far from the days when Ben Kingsley had to put on dark makeup to play Gandhi.

Next on the list: The Producers!


Geisha memoirs were not the only highlight of yesterday. Brindo once again proved to be naughty, irrascible, and a total handful. I used to think Bennie was hyper, but Brindo redefines the word.

Each morning, both puppies whine at my door until I let them into bed with me. Bennie just wants some peace and quiet, and Brindo wants to go wherever she goes. Bennie gets annoyed, and hides at the edge of my feet; Brindo decides to walk all over my head. I have so many scratches from him that I look like I've walked through a forest of bramble.

Yesterday, Brindo was so excited by his new dog bowl that he ate everything in it in one sitting. Then he proceeded to chase me and Bennie and his toys around... so much that he ended up puking dog food all over me. I guess I can be thankful that it was dry dog food. Diet dog food at that... our Bennie is still fat, and on a diet. (Only in America!)

This morning, Mom and Dad were painting various rooms in the house. We've bought a new house in PA, and are planning to sell this one soon. Brindo of course picked up a small paint roller, and got it all over the carpet, his bed, and himself. Dad was not pleased. Baby was locked up in the kitchen for a couple of hours, and got a good scrubbing as punishment.

And in the end, I still like my baby better. He's got spirit. I love Bennie, but I've always said - she's too spoiled, and to much of a weenie. (No pun intended.) Brindo's a real puppy. But I can really do without him biting my nose.


