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*sigh* summer's here

Most people who watch a lot of TV sit on their butts and get fat. I work out when I watch TV, so I have some slight concern that I'm going to be getting fat over the summer.

Besides, anyone who knows me knows that really good television is the key to my heart. (Ripe Mt. Rainier white cherries run a close second.) That being said, I feel almost bereft that one of the best seasons of TV in a long time has come to an end.

And what an end! Reactions to the season finales of my 4 favorite shows (spoilers below, so highlight over them if you want to read...)

Alias: Still my favorite, despite the introduction of Lost and Desperate Housewives. All I can say is - OH. MY. GOD. What an ending. How could Vaughn not be Vaughn? Is he still Bill Vaughn's son? A double? Didn't sound like it from the way that he led into it ("I didn't become your handler by chance"), but I'd like to see how they're going to explain this one. And that accident! JJ has already said that "the plan is to have [Vaughn] back." What does that mean?!

One more thing - the "epic battle" between Nadia and Sydney? Not so epic. I really feel like this season has been much more about Nadia than Sydney - somehow she doesn't seem like the superhero anymore. Which is ok, because Mia Maestro is a much better actress. And besides, its amazing how much she looks like both Lena Olin and Ron Rifkin.

Desperate Housewives: Holy sh*t! Is Rex really dead? When we were watching it, we totally missed that scene - overeager Tivo forwarding! I am so amazingly saddened by it, and didn't really expect that the Roger Bart's creepy character could really kill him off. AND this guy is a regular next season. My skin crawls just thinking about him.

But then again, everyone knows how I feel about clingy, obsessive men.

24: I'm trying to figure out multiple ways to say "holy sh*t" because I guess that's mostly my reaction to everything this last week :-)

How are they going to bring back Jack? Why do they always try to attack LA? I mean, I hate LA as much as anyone else, but its really not major enough of a city to expend all that effort on. And I agree with whoever said that jackass of a President - Logan - was too much a caricature of himself. He even kinda looks like Nixon.

Minor bone to pick: I know Kim wasn't a regular on the show this season (thank god) but wouldn't it have made sense for her to the first person that Jack called after his faked death? Tsk, tsk. Bad continuity, writers.

Lost: Bad idea, watching the season finale show late at night when I'm home by myself. The Others abducting Walt - I felt like I was watching some creepy pirate ghost movie. *shivers* I really thought that Rousseau lady was out of her head and making up "The Others" until they came for Walt. Why didn't anyone guess - considering his "powers" - that the boy that they were referring to all along was him?

And please, please, PLEASE don't let Sawyer be dead - you guys already killed off one hot guy, you can't take my beautiful, dimpled boy. I am such a sucker for those dumples. If he dies, I'm officially boycotting the show forever - Matt Fox just doesn't do it for me.

Grey's Anatomy: Not a favorite, but its a good additional exercise hour. No real comment, except who couldn't see that "cliffhanger" coming? How cliche.

All in all, a fantastic season. The only thing keeping me going (and hopefully, exercising) this summer are reruns of shows that I didn't get to watch this season for lack of bandwidth, i.e., Veronica Mars and Smallville. I'm really hoping they'll run reruns in relative order so I won't be completely confused. I also think after Lena Olin's fantastic stint as Mama Bristow, I'm going to have to revisit Season 2 of Alias all over again.


