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i'm shellshocked

I'm in complete shock. Physical and emotional. I'm stunned.

Why? you ask. Two words: Harry Potter.

Given how much I despised - yes, despised - Book 5, I wasn't terribly enthusiastic about 6. I got it as a matter of form, but I didn't go to the midnight launch party, didn't even crack it open until Sunday. But after a couple of chapters, I'd realized that the Harry Potter that I've completely loved for years was back in form... as opposed to that super-annoying ball of teenage angst that was The Order of the Phoenix.

(Side note: For a seriously hilarious parody of Book 5, check out my favorite fanfic author Cassie Claire's "
A Lot To Be Upset About". You'll die laughing.)

I won't give away a lot of the book, except to say that the magic is back... er, pun intended. There were some LOL moments that Book 5 was sorely missing, and the writing was much smoother, much more cohesive. I didn't sit through the book feeling like Rowling was just cranking *something* out to satisfy the angry masses.

But - Oh. My. God. The ending. I'm in shock. I knew it was coming, and yet I didn't. I've been sitting here for the last 30 minutes unable to close my mouth properly. And I can't wait for Book 7 - to find out the truth, the real truth, about the Half-Blood Prince. Bastard.

And just one more thought: Has anyone else read the friggin' book? Am I the only true fan amongst my friends? I just realized, as I sat here in a state of shock, that I had NO ONE to discuss it with! If you're planning on reading it, do it soon! Otherwise, looks like I'll be trolling the online discussion boards for a while.


