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the year of the puppy

Last night, we celebrated the Year of the Dog by having a potluck at our house... the first party that we've hosted in our new roommate configuration.

We actually got the place decorated, unpacked and in order for the event. I also cooked a pound of noodles (for longevity) and nian gow. Our place still smells like Chinese food.

Of course, being the typical 2/3-French household of winos that we are, there were plenty of wine flowing... augmented by the fact that Agnes invited Ed, who is a professional winemaker.

Eric prepares Chinese fish - French style

Everyone chows down

The roomie pic

Our poor alcoholic George

Michelle tries to flambe

"I am French. I like wine."


Fern and Ed

George starts up again

Eric gets beaten up

The new OC Moment.

Now everyone wants to be in the OC moment

We try to tickle Eric, but he's not ticklish (dammit)

"I do not like floor. Grrr."

Agnes likes nothing more than wine and nian gow.

Eric and Agnes

Getting artistic with my foot

The frameable shot

Aerial shot

John balances a wine glass with aplomb

More. Wine.


The We-Live-With-French-People Club

Eric gets ready for his night out in the Castro

"Ahhhh! Agnes!"

Picture 1 of 89 of Jean, trying to make a "moving picture"

Christophe molests the guitar rather than John

Everyone pitches in to help clean


