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weird wackiness weekend

Yesterday, I was all ready to finally pick up my stuff from my old house, and my car wouldn't start. My battery was dead!

Fernando had to come over and help me jump start my car, since both roommates were out of town, A doesn't have a car, and Karen was at work. Finally, at about 6:30, we got the thing going. My poor baby...

Since Fern and I haven't seen each other in several weeks, I invited him over to dinner (chicken lasagna, garlic bread and ceasar salad), uncorked a bottle of wine, and hung out. We even ended up moving furniture around.

The best part is that the man I was so sure was gay IS in fact dating a gay person now... who just happens to be a she! Fern is dating a lesbian (or ex-lesbian, at least). Only Fernando...


Today, I come into the office to find Kim smirking at me.

"So, did you talk to your roommate last night?" she asks.

I'm thinking, I wonder why she's asking about my roommate. Turns out that she and Jen (her sister) ran into Philippe in Tahoe! Of all the weird coincidences. Now we definitely have to do dinner at the ESL house.


