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week 0 '06: and so it begins... again

Yes, that is an Alias reference. And yes, I'm back on the diet.

The first 24 hours of the Year of the Dog (and my diet) has started off well. Fern and I have made a pact to take pictures weekly and post our progress here. I even found a fellow blogger from Weight Watchers that lives in San Francisco! Very exciting.

Training Diary, Week 0
Weight: 130.5 lbs
Body Fat: 30%*

* Estimates. I will be getting my Tanita Scale and Body Fat Monitor soon - whoo!

Me and Fern on Week 0, 1/29/06


Yesterday, I went to the gym for a nice, long workout - 30 mins on the elliptical, 45 mins of weight training on the BOSU. I was planning on doing some arm work too, but I was just too tired! The exciting thing is that I didn't even have to use my inhaler once while I was working out. I even upped my resistance!

Last night, we both splurged with some Chinese food at our New Year potluck. But today, I was good... I had a donburi for lunch, and a Lean Cuisine, steamed veggies and fruit for dinner. I didn't go to the gym, but that's ok :-)

More to report next week... Wish me luck.


