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Yikes! Bunch o' work people and I went to have India food today for lunch - and it cost me 24 points. 24! That officially leaves me with 6.5 flexies for the rest of the week - and I didn't even track on Sun or Mon.

I do have to say, though, Tandoori Mahal was delicious and worth it. I was scared b/c I didn't want to go to Naan and Curry (after the tree bark incident) or Pakwan (after every post-Pakwan bathroom incident), but Gaylord, the only other Indian place we knew near work, was supposedly expensive and not very good. Thanks to Yelp, I found Tandoori Mahal, and it was delish. Its got a nice ambiance - not the hole-in-the-wall decor - and the food at the buffet was really fresh and not too greasy. Total tab was $9.50/person, including tax and tip. Not bad at all!

I am going to have to try and hit the gym tomorrow during work, since we're going out for happy hour and I desperately need some extra flexies. At least Corinne and I start WW meetings tomorrow. Dammit, my post-sickness eating isn't holding at all.

Total Points: 39 | 6.5 flexies remaining | 0 APs this week


