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i love pilates!

I'd forgotten how much I looooove Pilates.

Tonight I went to check out the reformer class at Core Pilates on 17th and Mission. I got the recommendation on Yelp, and I totally loved it! I'd only done group classes, which are not as structured, at Gorilla Sports, and I much prefer this one. The class was definitely the right level (intermediate) - kicked my ass, but not over my head.

If you ever want to do Allegro, this is the place! Great facility, too.

Its good to be back exercising. It felt so nice that I went home and made a healthy spinach udon soup with veggie broth, spinach, onions, mushrooms and udon. I'm even thinking about working out tomorrow... I've got to do something to offset the monstrous sick/emotional eating I did on Monday and Tuesday!


