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wisdom tooth wisdom

nathan: Gaah evil dentist stole my boobs
serena: shut up!
serena: hahaha
nathan: Eeek
serena: did you get your wisdom teeth pulled?
nathan: Just leaving yep
nathan: *hug*
serena: hilariuos
nathan: Walking home, glad its 3 blox away
nathan: Can't talk at all, so yay im
nathan: @ work?
serena: yar
serena: boo, bun
nathan: W
serena: are your boobs in tact?
nathan: Same as befor
serena: is that a good thing?
nathan: Yep
serena: oh good
nathan: Weird, took like 20 min
serena: i think mine took longer?
nathan: More paperwork than tooth whacking
nathan: Uhh yeah
nathan: Like 2 hrs
serena: well, obviously most of that time was spent on removing my boobies
nathan: Dude, I've put this off for 4 years cause of fear of losing my boobs
serena: lol
nathan: Hhaha
serena: you're totally wacked out on novacaine right now, aren't you?
nathan: Fun part comes in 1.5 hrs when the meds wear off
nathan: Hoooboy that'll be fun
nathan: Going to walgreens for my friend vicki
nathan: Err vicoden
nathan: Crap, no coffee/soda for 24
nathan: I'm gonna freak


