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return of the booty

On Friday, we threw our September babies birthday party @ the Luna Lounge, with headliners such as Pam the Funktress, Nikola Baytala and Apollo. I'd tell you they were awesome, but I don't really remember them playing - not because I was drunk (although I was a teensy bit), but because I was busy hanging with my peeps :-)

I'll let the pictures tell the story... or half-story, in any case. I can't post all the things that were captured on film, as there were some unseemly pictures involving, um, me ...

J-Dubz and his pal from Alabama

Me and Wiggins

Sergio on the decks

Kenji and gf

Topher's white side takes over

Heather and I do the penguin dance (hip hop version)

Me and B

Clyde, Carolyn and Topher

Clyde! Why is your head on my boob?!

Clyde!! Why is your head under my dress?!

Me and Karen

September Babies - Batch 1

Heather makes the Sept baby picture complete

Eric and Carolyn (aka Roboheaux and Robustique)

Somehow whenever the 4 of us get together, our pictures degenerate into this...

Caro and Clyde, dancing it up

Awwww yeah.

Happy Bday, loves!


