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training diary, weeks 5 and 6: gmats = jello butt

OK. As if the 2 week gap between training diaries aren't a clue, I've been slacking off - seriously - these last couple of weeks. I can blame it on the GMATs, which are coming up on Monday, but as my trainer, Mark, said, "Exercise is brain food."

So I've just been lazy.

Well, not really lazy. Its been a pretty stressful time. HiPer was launching its demo at Applebee's last week, so I was pitching in for testing, and GMATs are right around the corner. But the truth is, that's not an excuse, because I will always have something going on.

But to quote Mark once again: "The past is the past. Start over right now."


Training Diary, Weeks 5 & 6
Weight: 131.5 lbs - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Body Fat: 30%*
Fitness Level: Jello. Yuck.

* Estimates. I haven't been in to get measured by Janet. (Bad Serena! Bad!)

Me and Wiggy on 9/23

Karen and I on 9/9


Luckily, I think that my increased weight training and better eating habits have kept the gain from visibly resurfacing - looking at my pictures, I still look a helluva lot better than on Week 0. But I know better. If I don't start again, it'll be back to Jello-land all over again, this time minus $750. So I'm back in the game. I even moved from the regular Bay Club to the B of A club because its closer to work.

Any and all of you are welcome to yell at me if I don't get myself back on track from this point forward. Just refuse to eat out with me. That'll do it.


