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sunny start to a rainy day

It didn't look like it was going to be a good morning. I woke up to gray skies - finally, winter (and the rainy season) has started in SF. I had gone kickboxing the night before for the first time in years, and I could barely lift my arms to brush my teeth. On top of which, I missed the bus by a hair's breadth.

So I headed into Sally's Cafe to actually sit down and have my morning muffin and coffee, and who do I see but Isidro. He teaches a 6:30am Spin class at World Gym across the street, and was getting his breakfast as well.

"Care to join me?" I ask.

"Sure, but don't tell my wife," he winks.

It was nice to sit down and catch up over coffee. Not only that, he was nice enough to give me a ride to work. I should start every morning like this - relaxed, and chatting with friends.


