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ahh... the memories

Today, MTV announced their very own "Real World" awards show. (Seriously.) Of course, no Real World history could omit Coral, from Back to New York, a.k.a. my former roommate from hell. This should bring a nostalgic tear to my friends from 1999, who provided refuge for me from her.

The award she is up for is very appropriately named.

I wanted to embed the video, but MTV doesn't publish the link, so go here to check out Coral in all her glorious insanity: http://www.mtv.com/ontv/specials/real_world_awards/category.jhtml?catId=roommate_from_hell&cpid=9

In fact, it was MY interview with the producers that got her onto the show. One of these days, I'm going to get off my lazy ass and write up those stories.


