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amox + aleve = gross!

After my not-terribly-fun journey on Christmas Eve/Day, I arrived home (finally!) only to get violently ill. The cause? I mixed amoxicilan and Aleve inadvertently, and ended up with severe stomach cramps, nausea, constant vomiting and you know what else for three days. THREE DAYS! Ugh. Yesterday was the first day I was able to stay awake for more than 2 hours at a time, and eat some semblance of big people food, e.g., not soup, rice, or oatmeal.

Turns out that I had a gum infection from getting my partial crowns put in last Wed - which is why I was taking antibiotics - but it interacts very badly with Aleve.

The silver lining? No overeating this year at home! (Yes, I know, pathetic.) Plus now I'm much, much better: I have my doggies, I have real food, and I have a prescription for vicodin.

Bring on the new year!


