It all started at 4pm, when the 3rd floor held its first-and-hopefully-last ever Box Race: conceived of and sponsored by our VP of Product Management. Basically, people climb into cardboard boxes on wheels that were really meant to trash boxes as we all start to pack up.

Carol climbs in

An action shot: Drew and David push Carol and Eno

And they're off! Rival teams of Kim, Sully, Randy and Matias race down the opposite hall

The winners
At about 4:30, we headed down to the BID Bash, which featured two kegs, lots of wine, massive burritos, and... Guitar Hero!

Christophe, showing his skillz

JohnG gives Joseph a tutorial

Noelle and I give Matias' head as a farewell rub
Some of then separated to forage for food. Rob, whose been having worse cravings than a pregnant woman in the final trimester, decided that he just needed MEAT. So Rob, Dustin, JohnG, and I met up with some people at Espetus, where I guzzled a lethal combination of chicken hearts and sangria.

Dustin tries out my vanilla flavored deodorant for dessert
When my stomach simply couldn't handle anymore dead animal, I scurried off in a cab and joined some other work people finishing up dinner and drinks at Myth. The rest... is a blur.

Carol, me and Jamie, doing something.
Somehow, feeling like a bat out of hell, I managed to crawl up on Saturday afternoon, and join JohnG, Heather, Virginia and Nathan at Wiggy's annual crawfish boil. I stayed far away from the beer, but did have some bugs and 'taters nonetheless.

A fresh batch!

Mmmm... potatoes.
Today, I just want to not move. I'm getting old... can't handle this much fun anymore :-)
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