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Laura is my oldest friend in San Francisco. Not age-wise; she was the first person I knew when I moved out here.

We bonded over a recruiting trip to UT Austin. The night before the career fair, a bunch of us went out drinking. After several beers, I ran towards the group on a pair of unstable 3-inch platforms. I was so drunk that I didn't even catch myself with my hands when I fell - I just landed flat on my face.

"Oh, that's going to bruise," I worried, as Laura (also drunk) helpfully got me a cocktail napkin full of ice. And thus began our friendship.


Last night, the same thing happened again - but this time, I managed to land on concrete.

After a delish dinner with Karen at Limon (great food, bad service), we headed over to Nihon, a new, and surprisingly not all-Asian bar, where we met up with her friend Tan and Eric Pop. I sucked down several sweet lychee and champagne drinks, followed the crowd to another bar, and ended up at Denny's at 3am.

Somewhere between bar #2 and Denny's, I managed to destroy my face.

My whole right ear is scraped up, as is the skin around my jawline. The best thing is that there is nary a scratch on either of my hands.

At 6 this morning, I woke up to the pitter-patter of pouring rain, on the floor besides my bed, still in my full outfit, lying on top of Thing-O and drooling on the carpet. I somehow managed to stick a Care Bear band-aid on my face in the middle of the night. I did drag myself up long enough to change into PJs and brush, but it took me another 9 hours to finally take a shower. I'd say today's pretty much a lost day.

You know, its been a while since I've gone out and drank. And after last night, it might be a while more before I do it again.


-johnny;j said...

wow, sounds like you tied one on and swung it around for good measure. I guess if you're blogging about it your ok.

Take care of yourself little girl.

