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spring ap challenge, week 1: the click

I'm terribly glad that gvmemoment is back on ExP, because she always manages to pinpoint a word or a phrase that ends up being the theme of my weight loss efforts. First time around, it was all about being fierce; this time, its "the click".

Anyone who's ever tried to either lose weight or maintain knows what "the click" is - its that point where why you're doing this not only makes sense, but feels right. I felt the click last year, right about this time, when I first started WW. And ever since I lost the 20 lbs, its been miserable, because I haven't cared to maintain the weight, lose more fat, work out, eat right, etc etc.

Which explains why my efforts the last 6 months ago have been so half-assed. I've been doing it because I feel like I should, or I am bloated or something, but not because it actually felt right. But this week, that click finally happened. And I am happy to say that I'm back on the wagon - getting to goal, getting to Lifetime, and getting back in shape.

Week 1 Stats:
  • Weight: 123 lbs
  • Body Fat: 24.7%
  • Total APs: 12
  • Chest: 33"
  • Waist: 28"
  • Hips: 35.5"

Week 2 Goals:
  • Points Target: 23.5
  • AP Target: 16
  • WW Meeting: Monday
  • Workout Schedule: AM Ellip on Mon and Wed, Trainer on Tues, Dance on Thurs, Tahoe on Sat
Plus I've got a plan for the rest of ski season, a new little black dress and a bikini on the way. Yay!


