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required reading

For all of you out there who has a problem believing that I am, in fact, an introvert - read on:

I'm not sure I have read a better way to describe myself than this:
Introverts are not necessarily shy... Rather, introverts are people who find other people tiring.

Now I'm going to lock myself in my room and be alone.


Anonymous said...

I love the introvert comment. NO one believes me when I tell them that I am an introvert, but I know that I have a people time limit and when it gets passed, I want out.

Anonymous said...

Ack! I married an introvert!

Well I already knew that but we're still learning how to deal with each other. That was a very good article--I often have a hard time understanding his absolute terror at the idea of social events when he seems fine once he's there . . . for about an hour before he runs off and hides.

