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"you know, today's a crappy day to move."

Thanks to the 19 people who made that comment today. Me included.

After almost 4.5 years at 20th and Lincoln, I've finally moved out and into the original ESL household in Potrero Hill. I don't know what took me so long... I LOVE my new place.

Of course, I had to choose the day that it literally poured rain nonstop to move my buttload of stuff. It wasn't just my bedroom furniture (which is far more vast than it sounds, considering the size of my former room), but also two couches, an entertainment center, pots and pans and dishes galore, artwork, a dining room table set and I don't know what else. When you live somewhere, you tend to accumulate a lot of crap. And even though I got rid of A LOT of crap, it was still a chore.

And before you ask, yes, I'm leaving this summer. I'm moving because it was an exercise in downsizing. Yes, I know how much it sucks to move.

As expected, the day was an adventure. The movers I had originally engaged via Craigslist never confirmed, and when I called, did not have me on the schedule. I hung up in a huff and canceled the order, getting a last minute moving company and A's consternation. The girl who was living in my new room emailed me last night about using my movers. "Only if you want to front $150 depending on how long it takes," I replied not-so-sweetly. She declined, decided I'm a bitch (which I am), and got her shit out of the way in time.

We ordered pizza, and it arrived 1.5 hours later. Already in a mood, I called them up and complained, resulting in a 1/2 off discount. A was again skeptical of my attitude - oh ye of little faith. He will soon learn that I am the queen of getting things comped. Just ask Karen. She's taking lessons from me.

And of course, the movers didn't speak English. At all. Luckily, this is SF so they all spoke Chinese. "Are you from China?" they asked me. "No, I was born in Taiwan," I replied. They looked at me with a little bit of pity, then very nicely said, "Its ok, we're all Chinese people."

Moving went relatively smoothly until we actually got to Potrero. I live on a one-way street on a hill, and we couldn't park the van outside of the house. So we ended up having to move in the rain uphill 1/2 a block. The couch didn't fit, and I forgot my dresser.

But all in all, I'd have to say that it was probably one of the smoother moves I've done. For once, I wasn't packing up until the movers came, as I've been packing all week. I even had time to kill! I got rid of my punching bag and my elliptical for cashish. And even though the place is a mess, I'm so glad I'm here. My room is 1/2 the size of my old one, and I like it!

OK, rambling from tiredness. Sleepy now...


