serena: my mother does not know how to open a zip file
serena: *groan*
karen: well
karen: i don't think mine would either
serena: but its ANNOYING
serena: now i have to send my files to her one by one
serena: and on a modem its taking forever
karen: omg
karen: i bet
karen: i hate modems
serena: i'm trying to walk my mother through the miracle of attachments
serena: she's confused by the fact that i could include more than one per email
karen: huh
karen: hahha
karen: funny
karen: doesn't she work?
serena: yes
serena: but this is the woman who exits then reopens outlook to send/recieve her emails
serena: (i am currently banging my head on the desk)
serena: she said that she only got 6 of the 8 files
serena: i told her to scroll, and she didn't realize she could
serena: (!!!!!)
karen: omg
serena: HOW am i possibl related to her?
Posted 10 minutes later...
serena: omg
serena: the saga continues
serena: i asked my mom to print 2 copies of each essay
karen: zip file drama
serena: yes
serena: its no longer in a zip file though
serena: anyhow
serena: she calls me and says "i can only print one copy of each"
karen: where is she?
karen: at work?
serena: because she doesn't know how to change the paper in the photocopy machine
serena: and is afraid it will run out of paper
serena: !!!!
serena: yes
serena: i thought about telling her that she can print more than one copy at a time, but i figured it would only confuse her
serena: so i let it go
The understatement of the year: "Serena, I'm not very technical." ~ Mom
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