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home is where the tivo is

For the past 5 days, I've felt like I've been in corporate housing. Neither Eric nor Philippe are here, and I've just moved into a new place. The first couple of days I spent unpacking my room - and even though I still have to assemble my bed, its relatively ok. However, I've completely neglected the living room, so it was a disaster area with boxes, and bags, and half-assembled furniture everywhere.

I couldn't take hiding in my room anymore, so on Tuesday, I went through the whole place and put it (relatively) together. I can't really assemble the entertainment center by myself - A is in Michigan, and both the boys are gone - but I did everything else, including moving the couches around and putting stuff back where it belongs.

Tonight, I put the final touches - I hooked up the Tivo! Man, how I've missed TV. The other good thing about television (besides the fact that it relaxes me like nothing else can) is that you don't feel quite so alone at home. I finally spent time in the living room, just catching up on Alias, Nip/Tuck, and Bones.

I also finally organized the mess of wires from the cable modem in my room and set up my new laptop. OK, its not "new" per se, buy my manager let me have my ex-co worker's after she left. Its SO MUCH BETTER - I had the old Dell Latitude, and it literally strained a muscle in my back. Not only is it at least 5 lbs lighter, but oddly enough, the resolution isn't quite as high. Which means that I don't even need a monitor in order to see! Yay! I hooked up all of my peripherals, including a keyboard that is making all the difference, and suddenly, I am inspired to work on my applications again. I think I might even bring the keyboard with me, it helps so much.

Yeah, its totally silly, but anything that will get my ass moving for the last week of apps is a GOOD thing.

Can I just say how nice it is that my whole house doesn't reek of pot? I'm hardly opposed to it on a moral level, but seriously - Lauri smokes up in the morning before work! That's a little too extreme for me. I still kind of expect the scent to blow through the house when the heater comes on, but I can appreciate breathing again.


