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weight watchers - a family activity!

I talked to my mommy again today (not surprising, since I talk to her almost every day), and broached the possibility of joining Weight Watchers. My doctor recommended it to me about 6 months back, when I asked him what was the most sensible plan for losing weight. Studies by consumer groups support his opinion. Plus, there's a meeting place just near our house in Jersey.

She was really receptive to the idea, and asked me to send her some information. I think her and Dad are going to join together, since he could afford to drop a couple of babies.

I told her that if she joined Weight Watchers, that I would too. I tried Weight Watchers online rather halfheartedly before, but I think Mommy's health will keep me on track. I'm aiming for 1 lb to every 2 that she needs to lose, and Dad is going to up it to 2.5.

Her reply was enthusiastic. "It'll be a family activity! We'll even put Bennie on a diet!" Bennie, our little dog, has recently developed quite a big behind, since she's been eating people food.

I take this as a very good sign that she's really taking this diabetes diagnosis seriously. She even walked the dog tonight - even though she didn't get home until 8 - and said that it was quite a bit of exercise since she had to chase my baby around the park :-)

This actually turned out to be a timely decision, as Heather and I both got our bridesmaid dresses last week - and holy jesus, we both need to lose at least 5lbs to be able to breathe during Daysun's wedding!

We're not sure if its because we've been eating out so much, or what the deal is, but we've resolved to both be more careful about our eating from now until July 23rd. We made a pact that we're cooking together on Tues and Sun - Sun is my night - will only eat out 3x a week (that includes take out), and are going to stock up the house with fruits and sliced veggies for snacks.


