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gray, grey saturday

I woke up on Saturday morning and was greeted by a gray, cold fog. Ahhhh. Summer has finally come again to the Sunset.

I actually rather overslept more than usual this morning, thanks to a round of drinks that quickly turned into six with Karen last night. Karen and I originally met up after work at the Wine Merchant Bar at the Ferry Building to discuss life as a Product Manager. A casual wine tasting (mmm... try the Donabaum) - accompanied by a pate and cheese box - somehow became three, and the next thing we knew, we were sipping sakes at Sushi Groove South. Whoever told me that you can't get drunk off of sake is both WRONG and DUMB.

At dance workshop, I felt the consequence of both last night's unplanned indulgence and skipping class on Thursday to watch Grey's Anatomy. I ended up in a small group with some fairly uninteresting choreography, as the other group was made up of students who already learned some more exciting stuff. That's it - I have to motivate to go.

Post-3 hour torture session, I grabbed some enchiladas from El Farolito, headed home, and scarfed it down. I don't know how I managed to forget this, but Asian people + Mexican food = Bad Idea. More specifically: (Asian people*IBS) + Mexican food with lots of chili, cheese and beans = Bad Idea^4.


