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happiest & most depressing towns

Men's Health recently came out with a list of the Top 20 Happiest and Most Depressing Towns in the US. A truncated version for discussion purposes:

Happiest Towns:
1. Laredo, TX: A+
2. El Paso, TX: A+
3. Jersey City, NJ: A+
4. Corpus Christi, TX: A+
6. Honolulu, HI: A-
8. San Jose, CA: A-
19. (tie) Sacramento, CA: B

Um, I wonder what these pollees were smoking. Jersey City? For God's sake, the pollution must finally be making them high. And both San Jose and Sacramento making it into the top 20? As someone who's spent more than enough time in both "cities", where the streets are lined with pickup trucks, and downtown consists of the 3 blocks with the most Starbucks, I would say NO.

Most Depressed:
1. Philadelphia, PA: F
2. Detroit, MI: F
11. New York, NY: D-
14. (tie) Yonkers, NY: D, Pittsburgh, PA: D
17. (tie) Long Beach, CA: D, Los Angeles, CA: D

OK, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and LA, I can totally get. And having lived in Philly, where I spent most of my time depressed, I can see how it made the top 20 - but number 1?? What about cheesesteaks? Great restaurants for cheap? Food trucks?

And, hello, people - New York? WTF? Only the greatest city in the States...

Clearly these interviewees' brains are clogged by testosterone - the only way to explain the prevalence of Texas on the Happy list. Maybe we should rename the list to the Top 20 Cities Where We Have a Chance of Getting Laid, and the Top 20 Cities Where We Are Rejected Because We Have a Mullet.

For the complete list, click here.


mi said...

SAN JOSE?! SACRAMENTO?! And two towns in Texas? What is this country coming to? And what metrics did these freaks use?

Serena + Pumpkin said...

These are clearly the same people who voted for Bush. Again.

