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a little song, a little dance...

Yesterday, I started my song and dance workshop. Yes, people - I am actually taking a class where I learning how to sing and dance on stage. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however you want to look at it), I won't be performing - the performance date is on the same day as Mission in the Mix, the hip hop dance show that I committed to several months ago.

We started out with "Do a Deer". Ok, its geeky. But its lots of fun! There's only 5 of us, so we get to have input on the songs and choreography that we put together. I'm the only hip hop dancer there, so I'm pushing to add a little booty drop to the mix.

One of these days, I'll be just like Roxie Hart - a STAR! The audience will love me... and I'll love them. And we'll just loooove each other, because none of us got enough love in our childhoods.

Um. Just kidding?


