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the little 3-0

Well, its come and gone... I'm officially 30. I woke up on Saturday, and my back hurt. Whether its because I spent most of Thursday night vomitting in A's bathroom or because I'm getting old is up for grabs.

On Thurs, the co-workers and I headed to Cigar Bar for some drinks. Glasses of wine turned into bottles, and I just have no desire to look at alcohol again.

The next day, another co-worker stopped me in the hallway. "Hey, sorry I didn't make it last night," he said.

"Its ok," I groaned. "I'm not entirely sure I made it either."

My very awesome coworkers:

Scott, enjoying life while running a bug bash

Me, Caius and cigar

Carol and Crutch

Me, Ari, Topher, and the cigar

John Kim!

Tim and Frederic

The bday festivities continued on Sunday, when I hosted a Hawaiian BBQ at home for my closest friends. There was WAY too much food... so much that I brought leftovers in to work on Tuesday and managed to stuff 7 people. But there was also my favorite cake from Tartine (thanks Fern). It almost collapsed under the weight of all those candles!

So many candles, too little cake!


