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weekend update

Its been a while since I've posted, thanks to funk and fun. Funk was through most of last week, thanks to the not-vacation the week before, sheer and absolute panic about turning 30, failing miserably on the Core plan, and stress in general. Fun, happily, took its place over the weekend and into the week-start.

I had this insane panic attack about turning 30 last week, and it took me a while to
recognize it for what it was. It manifested itself in this "OMG, I'm almost 30 with no prospect of a date" theme, where I ended up believing that I was doomed to be a spinster (does anyone even use that word anymore???). Sounds sort of ridiculous, now that I say it out loud, but what it felt like was, "There's no guys out there for me to meet!" When there were opportunities to meet people, it became, "I don't want to spend the energy to date!" Yes, basically, I was just whining.

Thankfully, I recognized it for what it was for. I started reading this book called Midlife Crisis at Thirty and it literally described just about everything I was feeling. It sounds like a self-help book, but its seriously one of the most insightful books about the changing social pressures for women in Gen X-Y.

Incidentally, even if you're not close to 30, a woman, or having a midlife crisis, I HIGHLY recommend the book. It articulates the conlicting emotions that have arisen in our generation in the aftermath of all the gains that the feminist movement that Baby Boomers made. One of the most interesting (and true) things that the book posits is that instead of fighting "the system" as our mothers did, we assume that its our fault that we feel unsatisfied, and turn things inward.

The fun began on Friday evening when Caro and I went to see Beach Blanket Babylon, courtesy of Yelp. The show was hilarious! We headed out to Pink afterwards, but that was less hilarious.

Saturday was consumed with dance rehearsal and cleaning for the BBQ on Sunday. Unfortunately, the weather for the BBQ on Sunday was pretty yucky. We ended up eating indoors, with Eric and I grilling outdoors. Nonetheless, it was great to see friends and host our first housewarming since Caro moved in!


