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san francisco aids walk 2005

Now that the dance show is over, its time to focus on my next big project: the AIDS Walk!

Laura, Isidro, Heather Fell and I are once again participating in the SF AIDS Walk! This year, we've formed a team - Baby Steps - with the goal of raising $4,500.

In order to meet our goal, we've organized a bunch of events - both private and public - to raise mucho money. Just a sampling of what's to come:

  • Mexican Fiesta @ Laura and Isidro's Swank Place, Sunday (6/26). We'll be having margaritas, Mexican food, and even a pinata! Donations of $15 - $25 suggested. If interested, please email me and I can invite you!

  • VERVE @ 111 Minna Gallery, Friday July 8th. Open to the public, of course. We're throwing a huge party with some of the best world music DJs in the Bay, as well as a special auction! I'll post up more details about the lineup, but I'm most excited about the auction - we've got some hot stuff going on, including a private dance lesson with Matt of SoulForce, a 60 minute massage at Embodimental, and a 3 girl dessert orgy. If you'd like to be auctioned off, or invited to the Guest List - duh, email me!

  • ... and a Bag of Chips @ Madrone Lounge, Saturday August 6th. We had so much fun at Madrone last time that we're doing it again, this time with a rawkin' 80's party!

Why are we putting so much effort into this?

Well, according to a recent study by the United Nations, more than 8,000 people die from AIDS every day. On top of which, the World Health Organization estimates that approximately 14,000 new infections occur every day. Out of those infected, 15% of those cases are in teens from ages 13 – 18. We know that in areas such as Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, where virginity is prized and children are often sold into prostitution, that the rate is much, much higher.

While no dollar amount can be placed on the value of a human life, your online donation or cover charge to a fundraising event can help save a woman who has been forced into prostitution, or educate a new generations of teens into practicing safe sex.

If you'd like to help change the course of an epidemic, please consider donating. For more info about the AIDS Walk, please visit http://www.aidswalk.net/sanfran. Thank you!!


