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i'm an idiot

For days, I was wondering why my blog wasn't updating. "Help!" I wrote to Blogger. "I keep posting things and nothing shows up!"

Then yesterday, in the midst of my word problem sets, it dawned on me - when I was playing with my template, I accidentally copied and pasted the content of the page into it. See, I was trying to expand the column size where the content is, to no avail. When I tried to go back to the original settings, they didn't work right, so I thought - hey, I'll try opening another template to get the dimensions. In doing so, I accidentally erased this template that I had customized, Hello Kitty and all.

So of course, I view the source code on the blog page I already had open and just copied and pasted the whole thing, not thinking that instead of the code that would pull in content from posts, it would just have the actual content already there. Duh!


