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i'm turning into bread pudding!

I've lost my voice. I'm in quarantine. The cable is out, and watching grainy 24 nearly made my brain implode. I can't talk to anyone, I can't study, and I've decided that speaking people SUCK. On top of which, the two people whom I might have gotten strep from are both fine enough to be going on with their lives, while I'm sitting at home, surfing for Alias spoilers. Which I wouldn't complain about if I actually found anything.

Its almost as bad as my PG&E days, where I spent every day reading Harry Potter fanfic out of sheer boredom.

Luckily, my dear cousin Kevin sent me a wonderful - and incredibly insightful - article about bread. Kev was this close to getting fired, but he's regained internship status thanks to this: http://www.eskimo.com/~spban/bread.html

Fernando, on the other hand, entirely failed to entertain me. Instead, he went out to play.

fernando: if you're bread pudding then I should stay away from you
serena: you should stay away from me for many, many reasons
fernando: many, many, many reasons
serena: HEY!
serena: i curse you with bread puddingness
serena: may you turn mushy and grow raisins everywhere

When I rejoin the speaking-people world, people who suck will know my wrath.


Anonymous said...

serena, you and your stupid fanfic. such a geek.

