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pet travel is a nightmare

I swear, I never realized how much I love my little Pumpkin until last night, when I tried to book her a reservation as a carry-on for my flight back to PA.

First of all, can I just say that this new outsourcing customer service to India is NOT a good idea? I mean, no offense to India - we have fantastic engineers that either have come to the US, or work out of our Bangalore offices. However, when it comes to customer service, its probably not best to hire people whose English is not that great. I'm sure when it comes to 99% of reservations, its fine, but when it comes to complicated issues, it becomes a nightmare.

So the flight I was originally on didn't have carry-on room for my baby. I spent 2 hours on the phone with United last night, and then another 1.5 calling other airlines to find a flight that had availability. Apparently, Delta doesn't have the same information on their website as their phone agents do :-S

Finally, this morning, I demanded a supervisor (and had to go through 4 people and repeat my request!!!) before I got the deal settled. Luckily, it only cost $75 for me to change the flight - but this doesn't include the $85 each way ticket for Baby. So my grand total for this already expensive ticket - going home when I don't particularly feel like seeing the parents or traveling with a young puppy - comes out to $788.



