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the big, bad thing that happened

I didn't mean to be gone for so long. At first, it was fatigue. Then wedding vacation in early May. But the really big distractor was The Big Bad Thing that happened to me the night I got back from vacation. I was in a taqueria in the Mission District, and I got assaulted by this teenage girl. Seriously assaulted - like punched several times in the nose, bleeding all over myself, police report, everything.

I was super shaken up about it, as you can imagine. There were a hundred times that I thought about posting and calling out for support, but I just couldn't even write about it. It took me a good three days before I could leave the house without being shaky, and another week before I would stop just hystically bursting into tears. I'm good now - finally have decided that I can't and won't let the action of others change me or my life - but it took awhile.

Good Life Changes
Thankfully, there's been good life changes as well. We moved into our new building during my vacation, so it was really nice to come back and go to a brand new office. Seriously, the new offices are gorgeous, and really have helped boost my mood, which was sorely needed in the wake of the assault. Now we have nice cubes and conference rooms, a view, and sunshine! Its really great - I think most ppl are a lot happier here now.

The incident also goosed me to make some serious decisions about my life - mostly, with moving. Ironically, it pushed me to NOT go on a LOA for 4 weeks and move into my own place sooner rather than later. You would think that I might be afraid of living on my own; in fact, it made me realize that I just needed to get out of the south side of town (which I was having a difficult time letting go of), and move to a nice area.

So, as of June 10th, I'll be moving to the PacHeights district of SF, into a one bedroom with fireplace, dishwahser, the works! Its a great neighborhood - PLUS, they are building out a fitness center downstairs. So this should push me to get more active.

Of course, there's lots of other ways that I've changed. My perspective certainly has, and I don't mean that its been tinged with fear. I realized that I have a really good life - I mean, compared to some 14 year old from the projects, who gets so upset over salsa that she actually beats someone up. Five years from now, there's a good chance she'll be in jail, dead, or still living in poverty. I, on the other hand, have a great job, great friends - and basically, it made me appreciate what I have, and stop complaining/getting depressed about the little things!

Its pushed me to be more active. I don't want to be weak anymore - something that's been bugging me for awhile, so I'm happily moving forward.

And finally, I hit my threshold for drama - a lot of which, I realized, I allow myself to get wrapped up in. It only took me 30.5 years to finally get fed up with drama! But once it hit, I moved on it.

On My Way
So, I'm happily on my way with big changes - and that includes my health. Incidentally, I *finally* picked out the ultimate little black dress. To hell with elegant and classic, I want to be HOT!


