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rantings on the diet

I've been waiting for my Tanita Scale and Body Fat Monitor to arrive for the last few weeks, as the scale at my gym is rumored to be off, and I have varying calculations on my body fat %. Not that this is 100% accurate, but at the very least, I will have one consistent tool to track deltas.

Exciting things:
  • Weight is 130.5, not 134. Phew. That scale at my gym really was broken
  • Body Fat is 27.5%, not 30%
Unfortunately, I kinda feel like crap. I've been brutally honest with calculating my points on Weight Watchers. Even though its only Tuesday, I'm already 19 points over my weekly allowance! Yet, I don't feel like I am overeating (most of the time) - in fact, I feel like I've been eating much, much healthier. I wonder when I did WW last time if I really was on track with the points, if I was flubbing it a bit, or if I was just really hungry. At least, I don't feel cranky or deprived so this is sustainable.

I've been eating a ton of fruit and veggies, and really careful about my portions. I've also been exercising a lot more regularly - my AP's zoomed because of my Kickboxing and Spinning the last couple of days. Does this mean I'm going to gain weight? I am eating less at least than before? Maybe that's how I gained 10 lbs to begin with... tee hee.

I'm going to call my old nutritionist and see what her thoughts are.


