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the first day of the year

I know its already a month into the new year, but I feel like today is the first day. Ironically, its Chinese New Year today :-)

After months of neglecting my diet, fitness, social life, and everything else, I'm finally ready to concentrate on dealing with my life. This last week, I shipped two major products (Process 1.5 and HiPer 1.0), heard back from Berkeley (rejected - wah!), and finalized some major decisions about my life. Basically, all the major things that I've been stressing out about for the last 8 months are DONE.

Most important are my health and my sanity. I'm ready to really focus on my diet and fitness now. Even though I tried to get started a few weeks ago, the pressure of launching these products got in the way. Its not an excuse - these were major launches, and my first releases (whoo!). I still felt nervous and unsure about my place at work and my ability to do this. I made a decision that these would come first last week, and they did. I'm glad that I focused - a lot of huge shifts happened in dynamics at work as a result. At the same time, now that they are out the door, I can't be more relieved :-)

I'm starting another blog for my daily food journal/weight loss thoughts - found here. I will post my weekly progress, like I did before, in both this blog and Robust-a-Gut (named after our famed Robusteam). I decided to do them separately because there are rants and raves that I'm not sure you guys will want to read :-) Also, this one will be open to other people to post if they want to - Fernando's already on it.

I'll leave my post about my sanity for later. Needless to say, I'm heading back into therapy. It will be good, I'm glad that I'm doing it.

In other exciting news, Eric, Philippe and I finally unpacked our whole house - it doesn't look like a flea market anymore. This is HUGE, and I finally feel at home. You know me, I hate clutter, and disorganization just makes me feel unsettled. We will be hosting a Chinese New Year potluck tonight - looking forward to it! I'll be posting pics up soon.


