Last night, we celebrated the Year of the Dog by having a potluck at our house... the first party that we've hosted in our new roommate configuration.
We actually got the place decorated, unpacked and in order for the event. I also cooked a pound of noodles (for longevity) and nian gow. Our place still smells like Chinese food.
Of course, being the typical 2/3-French household of winos that we are, there were plenty of wine flowing... augmented by the fact that Agnes invited Ed, who is a professional winemaker.
Eric prepares Chinese fish - French style
Everyone chows down
The roomie pic
Our poor alcoholic George
Michelle tries to flambe
"I am French. I like wine."
Fern and Ed
George starts up again
Eric gets beaten up
The new OC Moment.
Now everyone wants to be in the OC moment
We try to tickle Eric, but he's not ticklish (dammit)
"I do not like floor. Grrr."
Agnes likes nothing more than wine and nian gow.
Eric and Agnes
Getting artistic with my foot
The frameable shot
Aerial shot
John balances a wine glass with aplomb
More. Wine.
The We-Live-With-French-People Club
Eric gets ready for his night out in the Castro
"Ahhhh! Agnes!"
Picture 1 of 89 of Jean, trying to make a "moving picture"
Christophe molests the guitar rather than John
Everyone pitches in to help clean
week 0 '06: and so it begins... again
Yes, that is an Alias reference. And yes, I'm back on the diet.
The first 24 hours of the Year of the Dog (and my diet) has started off well. Fern and I have made a pact to take pictures weekly and post our progress here. I even found a fellow blogger from Weight Watchers that lives in San Francisco! Very exciting.
Training Diary, Week 0
Weight: 130.5 lbs
Body Fat: 30%*
* Estimates. I will be getting my Tanita Scale and Body Fat Monitor soon - whoo!
Me and Fern on Week 0, 1/29/06
Yesterday, I went to the gym for a nice, long workout - 30 mins on the elliptical, 45 mins of weight training on the BOSU. I was planning on doing some arm work too, but I was just too tired! The exciting thing is that I didn't even have to use my inhaler once while I was working out. I even upped my resistance!
Last night, we both splurged with some Chinese food at our New Year potluck. But today, I was good... I had a donburi for lunch, and a Lean Cuisine, steamed veggies and fruit for dinner. I didn't go to the gym, but that's ok :-)
More to report next week... Wish me luck.
The first 24 hours of the Year of the Dog (and my diet) has started off well. Fern and I have made a pact to take pictures weekly and post our progress here. I even found a fellow blogger from Weight Watchers that lives in San Francisco! Very exciting.
Training Diary, Week 0
Weight: 130.5 lbs
Body Fat: 30%*
* Estimates. I will be getting my Tanita Scale and Body Fat Monitor soon - whoo!
Me and Fern on Week 0, 1/29/06
Yesterday, I went to the gym for a nice, long workout - 30 mins on the elliptical, 45 mins of weight training on the BOSU. I was planning on doing some arm work too, but I was just too tired! The exciting thing is that I didn't even have to use my inhaler once while I was working out. I even upped my resistance!
Last night, we both splurged with some Chinese food at our New Year potluck. But today, I was good... I had a donburi for lunch, and a Lean Cuisine, steamed veggies and fruit for dinner. I didn't go to the gym, but that's ok :-)
More to report next week... Wish me luck.
the first day of the year
I know its already a month into the new year, but I feel like today is the first day. Ironically, its Chinese New Year today :-)
After months of neglecting my diet, fitness, social life, and everything else, I'm finally ready to concentrate on dealing with my life. This last week, I shipped two major products (Process 1.5 and HiPer 1.0), heard back from Berkeley (rejected - wah!), and finalized some major decisions about my life. Basically, all the major things that I've been stressing out about for the last 8 months are DONE.
Most important are my health and my sanity. I'm ready to really focus on my diet and fitness now. Even though I tried to get started a few weeks ago, the pressure of launching these products got in the way. Its not an excuse - these were major launches, and my first releases (whoo!). I still felt nervous and unsure about my place at work and my ability to do this. I made a decision that these would come first last week, and they did. I'm glad that I focused - a lot of huge shifts happened in dynamics at work as a result. At the same time, now that they are out the door, I can't be more relieved :-)
I'm starting another blog for my daily food journal/weight loss thoughts - found here. I will post my weekly progress, like I did before, in both this blog and Robust-a-Gut (named after our famed Robusteam). I decided to do them separately because there are rants and raves that I'm not sure you guys will want to read :-) Also, this one will be open to other people to post if they want to - Fernando's already on it.
I'll leave my post about my sanity for later. Needless to say, I'm heading back into therapy. It will be good, I'm glad that I'm doing it.
In other exciting news, Eric, Philippe and I finally unpacked our whole house - it doesn't look like a flea market anymore. This is HUGE, and I finally feel at home. You know me, I hate clutter, and disorganization just makes me feel unsettled. We will be hosting a Chinese New Year potluck tonight - looking forward to it! I'll be posting pics up soon.
After months of neglecting my diet, fitness, social life, and everything else, I'm finally ready to concentrate on dealing with my life. This last week, I shipped two major products (Process 1.5 and HiPer 1.0), heard back from Berkeley (rejected - wah!), and finalized some major decisions about my life. Basically, all the major things that I've been stressing out about for the last 8 months are DONE.
Most important are my health and my sanity. I'm ready to really focus on my diet and fitness now. Even though I tried to get started a few weeks ago, the pressure of launching these products got in the way. Its not an excuse - these were major launches, and my first releases (whoo!). I still felt nervous and unsure about my place at work and my ability to do this. I made a decision that these would come first last week, and they did. I'm glad that I focused - a lot of huge shifts happened in dynamics at work as a result. At the same time, now that they are out the door, I can't be more relieved :-)
I'm starting another blog for my daily food journal/weight loss thoughts - found here. I will post my weekly progress, like I did before, in both this blog and Robust-a-Gut (named after our famed Robusteam). I decided to do them separately because there are rants and raves that I'm not sure you guys will want to read :-) Also, this one will be open to other people to post if they want to - Fernando's already on it.
I'll leave my post about my sanity for later. Needless to say, I'm heading back into therapy. It will be good, I'm glad that I'm doing it.
In other exciting news, Eric, Philippe and I finally unpacked our whole house - it doesn't look like a flea market anymore. This is HUGE, and I finally feel at home. You know me, I hate clutter, and disorganization just makes me feel unsettled. We will be hosting a Chinese New Year potluck tonight - looking forward to it! I'll be posting pics up soon.
cattell's 16 factor test results
Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results
personality tests by
its been a hell of a week
... filled with successes, heartbreak, and finally, reaffirmation.
Andy and I have officially broken up. We've been in limbo mode since last Friday, when the conversation came up, and originally planned to take a break. Well, now its done and over with. Although I'm alternately sad and angry, I have to admit that I am relieved. I was pretty upset last weekend when we first discussed it, but afterwards, I felt that I had some time to start dealing with my own life. I got a lot of my shit together (including my room - whoo!) and got back into the business of dealing with my own life.
The last 6 months have been hell, between work, bschool apps, and this continuous string of boys. I'm usually pretty damn proactive about dealing with my stress and learning from my mistakes, but I've been so wrapped up in just trying to stay afloat that I've been hiding. One thing that Carolyn said makes so much sense: "Sometimes, you have to have a breakdown in order to have a breakthrough." Its too bad that this came at the expense of a break up as well, but in a lot of ways, its the break up that made me realize how we were not compatible or on the same page at all. Maybe I'll feel differently about it in a week or so - I'm going through the "anger" phase of grief - but for now, I'm just glad that given everything else that I have to deal with in the next couple of weeks, I don't have to deal with emotions either.
At the same time, this week has been one of triumphs. Beyond getting my room together and the NYU app out the door, I also released a two hotfixes - my first release! - and did a kick-ass job on my first Release Authorization presentation. This week has been up and down at work, because of all the pressure and tension of getting Process out the door, but by the end of the week, I think that tensions amongst the team calmed down and we were all pretty happy with what we've accomplished. So it ended on a good note. And honestly, this week has made me realize what an extrovert I've become. I've always drawn my energy from being alone, but now I am greatly affected by how others around me feel. This is a good thing. I think :-)
But I think the most important part of this week has been really understanding friendship, and realizing quite a bit about myself. For a while now, I've been really bad about talking to people about when I'm upset, to the point that I either bottle it up and break down, or I depend solely on my boy. I realized today its because I feel far more concerned about losing my friends than losing a relationship. But my friends have been incredible sources of support this week - and I hope to return the favor to them. I've reconnected with ones I haven't seen in a while (Wiggins, Agnes) and become much closer to ones that I adore (Caro, Eric, Karen).
Another huge thing is that I finally feel that I've earned my spurs at work, and that I'm part of the team, as opposed to the new person. Its nice not to feel like I'm always doing everything wrong or being afraid to make a mistake.
The final huge thing is seeing my fatalistic attitude towards relationships. As I said above, I really don't believe that any relationship is going to stick, despite my hopes. Well, no wonder they end up not sticking! Despite the fact that Andy and I ended up not being right for each other, its also good to know that I found someone that came close and that about 90% of the time, I can be the kind of person that I've always aimed to be. Yeah, the stress these last few weeks have made me regress into psycho-insecure-Serena, but I've also made some amazing breakthroughs in dealing with it initially. I guess its hard to expect other people to have faith in me when I don't have faith in myself. That's going to change.
Oh, and I've seriously joined Weight Watchers again. And went to the gym twice this week. Its a start. I'm not quite happy yet, but for once in my life, I think I will be.
Andy and I have officially broken up. We've been in limbo mode since last Friday, when the conversation came up, and originally planned to take a break. Well, now its done and over with. Although I'm alternately sad and angry, I have to admit that I am relieved. I was pretty upset last weekend when we first discussed it, but afterwards, I felt that I had some time to start dealing with my own life. I got a lot of my shit together (including my room - whoo!) and got back into the business of dealing with my own life.
The last 6 months have been hell, between work, bschool apps, and this continuous string of boys. I'm usually pretty damn proactive about dealing with my stress and learning from my mistakes, but I've been so wrapped up in just trying to stay afloat that I've been hiding. One thing that Carolyn said makes so much sense: "Sometimes, you have to have a breakdown in order to have a breakthrough." Its too bad that this came at the expense of a break up as well, but in a lot of ways, its the break up that made me realize how we were not compatible or on the same page at all. Maybe I'll feel differently about it in a week or so - I'm going through the "anger" phase of grief - but for now, I'm just glad that given everything else that I have to deal with in the next couple of weeks, I don't have to deal with emotions either.
At the same time, this week has been one of triumphs. Beyond getting my room together and the NYU app out the door, I also released a two hotfixes - my first release! - and did a kick-ass job on my first Release Authorization presentation. This week has been up and down at work, because of all the pressure and tension of getting Process out the door, but by the end of the week, I think that tensions amongst the team calmed down and we were all pretty happy with what we've accomplished. So it ended on a good note. And honestly, this week has made me realize what an extrovert I've become. I've always drawn my energy from being alone, but now I am greatly affected by how others around me feel. This is a good thing. I think :-)
But I think the most important part of this week has been really understanding friendship, and realizing quite a bit about myself. For a while now, I've been really bad about talking to people about when I'm upset, to the point that I either bottle it up and break down, or I depend solely on my boy. I realized today its because I feel far more concerned about losing my friends than losing a relationship. But my friends have been incredible sources of support this week - and I hope to return the favor to them. I've reconnected with ones I haven't seen in a while (Wiggins, Agnes) and become much closer to ones that I adore (Caro, Eric, Karen).
Another huge thing is that I finally feel that I've earned my spurs at work, and that I'm part of the team, as opposed to the new person. Its nice not to feel like I'm always doing everything wrong or being afraid to make a mistake.
The final huge thing is seeing my fatalistic attitude towards relationships. As I said above, I really don't believe that any relationship is going to stick, despite my hopes. Well, no wonder they end up not sticking! Despite the fact that Andy and I ended up not being right for each other, its also good to know that I found someone that came close and that about 90% of the time, I can be the kind of person that I've always aimed to be. Yeah, the stress these last few weeks have made me regress into psycho-insecure-Serena, but I've also made some amazing breakthroughs in dealing with it initially. I guess its hard to expect other people to have faith in me when I don't have faith in myself. That's going to change.
Oh, and I've seriously joined Weight Watchers again. And went to the gym twice this week. Its a start. I'm not quite happy yet, but for once in my life, I think I will be.
missing and homeless?
What causes people to decide not to go home?
There are thousands of homeless people in the US that are not homeless by choice. They have no job, no skills, or are often mentally incompetent. The closure of hundreds of mental hospitals by Reagan in the 80s to "cut cost" created a whole new homeless population.
I'm used to seeing Crazy Valerie back on the corner of 20th and Irving. I've had people that were clearly insane out on the street approach me. But why do some of the more lucid people remain homeless? Is it because they cannot get jobs? Don't want to get jobs?
I guess the reason I startd thinking about this is because of the assumptions that I made regarding the Jerry Tang case. People in SF have probably seen the posters or news broadcasts around. I just initially assumed - because he was prone to seizures and didn't have his medication - that he was mentally incompetent. But I can't really tell from the information released. I know that he was reportedly depressed, but could the combination have caused a short in his brain that's kept him from finding his way home? Or is he lucid, but has decided not to?
I can't imagine that anyone who can make the decision and has a loving family would decide to wander aimlessly. From all accounts, this man was responsible and intelligent; he was the CTO of a company and taking care of his seizures. What triggers behavior like this?
I have a relative who has schizophrenia. All her life, she's had depression, but was one of the most engaging, vivacious people I knew. Two years ago, she started hearing voices. It got to the point that it was so bad that she needed to be chaperoned; even leaving her at home alone was risky. She was left in a mental hospital when she tried to commit suicide. Then, she got better. Yet recently, she's started her descent again.
My prayers are with Jerry and his family. I hope that he is returned safely; at the very least, these sitings indicate that he's alive.
There are thousands of homeless people in the US that are not homeless by choice. They have no job, no skills, or are often mentally incompetent. The closure of hundreds of mental hospitals by Reagan in the 80s to "cut cost" created a whole new homeless population.
I'm used to seeing Crazy Valerie back on the corner of 20th and Irving. I've had people that were clearly insane out on the street approach me. But why do some of the more lucid people remain homeless? Is it because they cannot get jobs? Don't want to get jobs?
I guess the reason I startd thinking about this is because of the assumptions that I made regarding the Jerry Tang case. People in SF have probably seen the posters or news broadcasts around. I just initially assumed - because he was prone to seizures and didn't have his medication - that he was mentally incompetent. But I can't really tell from the information released. I know that he was reportedly depressed, but could the combination have caused a short in his brain that's kept him from finding his way home? Or is he lucid, but has decided not to?
I can't imagine that anyone who can make the decision and has a loving family would decide to wander aimlessly. From all accounts, this man was responsible and intelligent; he was the CTO of a company and taking care of his seizures. What triggers behavior like this?
I have a relative who has schizophrenia. All her life, she's had depression, but was one of the most engaging, vivacious people I knew. Two years ago, she started hearing voices. It got to the point that it was so bad that she needed to be chaperoned; even leaving her at home alone was risky. She was left in a mental hospital when she tried to commit suicide. Then, she got better. Yet recently, she's started her descent again.
My prayers are with Jerry and his family. I hope that he is returned safely; at the very least, these sitings indicate that he's alive.
couch makers extraordinaire
Yesterday, Eric, Philippe and I bonded over trying to move my couch into the apartment.
This is the couch that the movers couldn't get into the house when I moved back in mid-December. But I figured, hey, I live with 2 engineers, might as well give it a shot.
And - SUCCESS! We managed to move it in... after taking down a door, a lamp, and breaking the couch in 3 places. Afterwards, we started a promising career in couch-making by mending the couch with random pieces of wood boards leftover from a BBQ, a staple gun, and duct tape.
We rule \m/
The couch, which we feared would be stuck in our doorway.
Eric removing the closet door
Turning over the couch to fix
"Duct tape is good for everything!"
Our makeshift couch repair
This is the couch that the movers couldn't get into the house when I moved back in mid-December. But I figured, hey, I live with 2 engineers, might as well give it a shot.
And - SUCCESS! We managed to move it in... after taking down a door, a lamp, and breaking the couch in 3 places. Afterwards, we started a promising career in couch-making by mending the couch with random pieces of wood boards leftover from a BBQ, a staple gun, and duct tape.
We rule \m/
The couch, which we feared would be stuck in our doorway.
Eric removing the closet door
Turning over the couch to fix
"Duct tape is good for everything!"
Our makeshift couch repair
weird wackiness weekend
Yesterday, I was all ready to finally pick up my stuff from my old house, and my car wouldn't start. My battery was dead!
Fernando had to come over and help me jump start my car, since both roommates were out of town, A doesn't have a car, and Karen was at work. Finally, at about 6:30, we got the thing going. My poor baby...
Since Fern and I haven't seen each other in several weeks, I invited him over to dinner (chicken lasagna, garlic bread and ceasar salad), uncorked a bottle of wine, and hung out. We even ended up moving furniture around.
The best part is that the man I was so sure was gay IS in fact dating a gay person now... who just happens to be a she! Fern is dating a lesbian (or ex-lesbian, at least). Only Fernando...
Today, I come into the office to find Kim smirking at me.
"So, did you talk to your roommate last night?" she asks.
I'm thinking, I wonder why she's asking about my roommate. Turns out that she and Jen (her sister) ran into Philippe in Tahoe! Of all the weird coincidences. Now we definitely have to do dinner at the ESL house.
Fernando had to come over and help me jump start my car, since both roommates were out of town, A doesn't have a car, and Karen was at work. Finally, at about 6:30, we got the thing going. My poor baby...
Since Fern and I haven't seen each other in several weeks, I invited him over to dinner (chicken lasagna, garlic bread and ceasar salad), uncorked a bottle of wine, and hung out. We even ended up moving furniture around.
The best part is that the man I was so sure was gay IS in fact dating a gay person now... who just happens to be a she! Fern is dating a lesbian (or ex-lesbian, at least). Only Fernando...
Today, I come into the office to find Kim smirking at me.
"So, did you talk to your roommate last night?" she asks.
I'm thinking, I wonder why she's asking about my roommate. Turns out that she and Jen (her sister) ran into Philippe in Tahoe! Of all the weird coincidences. Now we definitely have to do dinner at the ESL house.
new years (belated) resolutions
I'm having a hard time with New Year's Resolutions because I'm so used to setting quarter-bound goals. Er, so lemme take a stab at it:
- Get back in shape - in a healthy manner. Screw those diets and obsessive pledges to work out. I'm happy with the way I look, but I acknowledge that I haven't been altogether healthy this last year. So I'm getting back in shape (i.e., toning up), the healthy way.
The Goals:
- Weight: 120 lbs (currently still at 130)
- Body Fat: 24% (currently around 30%)
- Size: 4 (currently hovering between 4 and 6)
Sound familiar? Well, the difference is that these are goals for the YEAR. If I can't lose 10 lbs over the course of the year, then it ain't coming off.
- Work out 3x a week. I just joined World Gym, and I'm excited by their classes! I'm planning on working out at least 3 times a week, with a goal of 5 consistently by the end of the year.
My Quarter Check-Ins:
- Cardio Classes: start out for 20 mins, and move up in 5 min-increments. Goal for the quarter: 45 mins
- Weights at least once a week
- Yoga once a week
How am I going to stick to this? Karen and Andy both know that I ain't allowed to go out for dinner or wine unless I meet my 3x/week goal.
- Cook more often! One key factor to my weight gain and fluctuation has been eating out. All the time. Now that I've moved into the Potrero House, and we're all happy to share groceries, I'm excited to cook, and therefore eat balanced and less fattening meals.
I've even proposed Tuesdays as House Dinner Nights.
- Relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax. Let me tell you a story. After the blood, sweat and tears that I put into the Harvard application (7 essays, 3 recommendations, etc.), I accidentally missed the deadline by 2 hours b/c I misread the instructions.
I was devastated.
I'm not sure I cried this hard when Jeremy and I broke up. But as I rushed home to stay up all night to finish Stanford, I realized that NOTHING was worth stressing out this much about. If I had tried to finish my Stanford essay that night, I would have done a crappy job.
Instead, I decided to defer Stanford to Round 3 because, now, I needed to do the best job I possibly could.
This is a HUGE step for me - not freaking out. It also showed me that all those months of stress, not sleeping, not working out, etc., could have been easily for nothing. That night, I hung out with Colin, folded my laundry for the first time in 5 weeks (no joke), and chilled.
Luckily for me, Harvard decided to consider my app for Round 2 anyway. Now its out of my hands. I'm going to finish up NYU and Columbia, kick ass with Stanford, and apply for INSEAD. And get back to life.
- Take care of my teeth. I never have time to go to the dentist. Well, this year, I will.
- See my friends more often. I love and miss them. I haven't seen anyone in weeks. But I'm making plans - promise.
- Continue Decluttering. 'Nuff said.
- Cherish my boy, and dump more emotional baggage. I like him, I'm lucky to have him, and I ain't gonna ruin it because of some asshole(s) that I dated 10 years ago.
- Get a puppy. I'm just waiting for Brindo's mommy to be preggers again.
- Be healthy and happy.
holidays with puppies!
Anyone who knows me knows that I love my puppies more than anything in the world. *Sigh* I already miss them. I didn't even miss my boyfriend that much (no offense, A) and we didn't see each other for three weeks!
The doggie bowls
The doggie bowls as they see it (yes, I was playing with my camera)
See, Bennie knows her bowl
Brindo napping
All cuddled up next to the heater
Fighting over the food
Brindo knows his bowl too
Best picture ever
A lazy day
Hiding underneath the chairs
Brindo being punished. He got locked in the kitchen for repeatedly peeing on the floor, but peers out through the little hole to get our sympathy. It worked.
Look at that face!
Brindo tries to bite off my nose
Mommy - she of the large head
Mommy, she of the large face
Daddy snoozing
We found the Minnie Mouse outfit originally bought for Bennie, but it only fits on Brindo. Unfortunately, Brindo's a boy.
This picture cracks me up
Brindo becomes Upside-Down Doggie #2 in the house
The doggie bowls
The doggie bowls as they see it (yes, I was playing with my camera)
See, Bennie knows her bowl
Brindo napping
All cuddled up next to the heater
Fighting over the food
Brindo knows his bowl too
Best picture ever
A lazy day
Hiding underneath the chairs
Brindo being punished. He got locked in the kitchen for repeatedly peeing on the floor, but peers out through the little hole to get our sympathy. It worked.
Look at that face!
Brindo tries to bite off my nose
Mommy - she of the large head
Mommy, she of the large face
Daddy snoozing
We found the Minnie Mouse outfit originally bought for Bennie, but it only fits on Brindo. Unfortunately, Brindo's a boy.
This picture cracks me up
Brindo becomes Upside-Down Doggie #2 in the house
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