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chopping down the (plum) tree

Its official - my company, Plumtree Software, has been officially acquired by BEA Systems. The deal closed yesterday. We're now BEAns instead of Plumtreevians.

This week has been chock full of activity to say farewell to our dear old independence. On Monday, the PMO and PM teams had its offsite in Larkspur, when everyone got into canoes and paddled along for the races. I, of course, didn't got - seasick and non-swimmer that I am - but I did join the group for drinks and really fried foods at Marin Brewing Company. On the way back, Kim, Shaari, and Matias piled into my Mini, where they gobbled down Mini Milanos, quizzed Matias on GMAT questions, and broke my passenger seat.

On Tuesday, we pretended to do work for a little while, and then had an all PDO meeting where some sad farewells were announced. As it turns out, Eric Zocher *did* leave, so I guess I owe an apology to my anonymous rumor-spreading friend, even though he still spread a rumor :-)

Wednesday was our Farewell Picnic. At 9:30, we gathered in Cafe Plum to get instructions on our Scavenger Hunt. I was on a team of the most Type A personalities you can imagine - myself included - which included 3 Program Managers, 2 VPs, our corporate counsel and 2 Product Managers. We all thought we were doing so well, until we got to the finish line and realized we came in 7th! Well, it was my fault with the final clue in any case, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

(Pictures courtesy of Andrei and his Flickr.com page, as my camera crapped out on me.)

A scavenger hunt team looks for clues

Adrian justifies our spectacular 7th place finish

Sadia just laughs at us

Afterwards, we took a shuttle bus over to Fort Mason for our picnic. Jay Simon broke the bus door with his anxiety to get on first, and we almost locked the bus driver in! To make matters worse, Matias grabbed the mike and started, er, something. He got the dirtiest look I'd ever seen, and the mike taken away from him.

Volleyball in the back yard of the Officer's Club

The Picnic was suprisingly fun, helped greatly by the abundant beer and good food from Asquew Grill. I joined the "We're No. WAN" trivia team, which was comprised of all Asian ppl and Mark H, and we actually won the trivia! Whoo! Unfortunately, we got jipped... all we got for our hard work were golf balls. Three of my co-workers won Plasma large-screen TV's, and the winning scavenger hunt team ("Cheaters!") at least got a bottle of champagne.

Kim and Shaari laughing over beer

ChexMix won - CHEATERS

Traunza hedges her bets with 200 raffle tickets - and wins 4 prizes!

Christine won a 6 mega-pixel camera from Nikon. We heard her screaming from miles away.

The laboriously built mini golf course

Don tests his putting skills

Dean points accusatory axes at Ross

Afterwards, a much smaller group of us headed to Bus Stop, some random bar in the Marina, and proceeded to drink way too much PBR and Bud Lite. I think I learned how to play pool, but I'm pretty sure that I was just being humored because I was drunk and short.

Thursday was harsh. Made even harsher by our "BEA Welcome Party" that consisted of being herded into BEA's cafeteria and meeting no one.

Today, we finally had to get back to business. It was not easy, considering that all of my projects are in a critical time, and we essentially wasted an entire week. Ah well. It was a well-deserved celebration. Even though I barely knew Plumtree, I'm sad that its gone. *Sniffle* But most of the great people are staying... and that's what matters.

At least my ex doesn't still work for BEA...


