Debbie not only showed up in her bridesmaid top ("see, I did wear it again!"), but also brought a flambé thing... or whatever that thing is that makes crème brûlée all crispy on top.
Eric shucks the oysters that he and Karen brought back from Hog Island that day
I am Dr. Eeevil Pop
Hmmm... do I know anyone here?
Wait! I think I see someone I recognize...
Irma and Clyde chat while chowing
"I am 00-Flamo!"
Debbie, looking lovely in her bm top
Vijay and Patricia
The Dixie Cup Club - wine in paper cups is even better than plastic!
I love this picture :-)
Karen and Luke
Had to bring out the prom gown since Debbie got all dolled up for us
We don't know what's going on here
We REALLY don't know what's going on there!
Yeah, Clyde - what *were* you doing to your butt?!
Eric: "You should see how its spelled."
Carolyn: "Is it a horse?"
Me and the MIT geeks, er, I mean, boys
Clyde gets busy with our wall
And we all have our "OC" moment.
My favorite picture of ePop (and yes, its because you can't see his face!)
Val, who not only matches our couch, but was nice enough to help with the dishes.
That's Megan's tongue
Eric H: "What does that say? I love dogs?"
Fernando: "I like cross-boning."
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