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2006: year in review

In 2006, I turned 30, started getting migraines, got my cavities replaced, lost 20 lbs, gained back 7 of them, broke up with A, got back together with A, broke up with A again, went through a whole lot of personal introspection, and finally became an adult.

It has definitely been a difficult, emotionally exhausting year - but in the end, I came out on top, a better, more sure and more mature me - and am looking forward to a great new year.

To celebrate 2007, below are the seven biggest accomplishments / changes that I've achieved this year compated to where I was at this time last year:

(7) Finances

Then: I was struggling with managing my money. Every month, I was worried about overdrawing my balance, having enough to pay bills, trying to catch up with money that I owed. On top of which, I had a bank account that I hated, but was afraid to close because I wasn't sure I'd be able to open another one; no credit cards; and such bad credit that I couldn't even face looking at my score.

Now: Thanks to some super referral bonuses from work, I've paid off all of my loans, with the exception of my car. I have two general credit cards and 3 store cards - all of which I pay off monthly to build my credit. All of my bills are being paid on time, I don't struggle with cash flow, and I even managed to pay $6700 for car repairs with cash I had on hand. (Of course, now I have $100 to my name, but hey - its something!)

(6) Work
Then: Although I liked my job at BEA, I was definitely stressed because I knew that I wasn't performing well. I could barely sleep because I was having nightmares all the time, and felt that everything I did was wrong. And I couldn't talk about it, because I was too ashamed to admit it even to myself.

Thanks to Daisy, my amazing manager, and the support of many of my colleagues, I love my job and excel at it. Even though my style isn't for everyone, I know that people at least respect me and think I'm very intelligent and capable.

(5) Weight and Body Image
Then: One year ago at this time, I was frantically checking out every fad diet online and in the bookstores, looking for a way to lose the weight that had accumulated in the last 3 years. I hated the way I looked; I felt fat and gross, and I despaired of ever being able to lose the weight.

Now: Even though I've definitely gained back 5 - 7 lbs of the weight I lost in the summer, there's two key changes:

a. I lost 20 lbs on Weight Watchers! More than being a net total of 13 lbs lighter, I know that I can lose the weight if I commit myself to it.

b. I am actually happy with my body shape. Yes, I can do with toning the flab, and I'd like to get back down to 120 lbs. But I don't want to be a size 0, I don't hate my curves, I don't have unrealistic wishes for myself.

Also super-important is what I've learned through the weight loss journey about emotional eating, portion control, calories in/calories out, sensible and healthy dieting, and lifestyle changes. Even if I'm not at goal weight, I'm definitely healthier and more conscious about my food.

(4) Boundaries

Then: Boundaries? What boundaries? I thought nothing about pushing other people, and always ended up doing something that I didn't want. It was a vicious cycle: I would do or let other people do something I didn't like for fear of them not liking me; I'd build up the resentment; and finally, I'd explode, causing other people to, well, not like me.

Now: Not only do I know what they are and what mine are, I am all about enforcing them. I might have gone too far this summer in my first foray into holding my own, but I've learned from my mistakes with my cousing and Karen, and adjusted. Paradoxically enough, now that boundaries are clear between me and others, both parties can relax and just be.

(3) Friendship and Vulnerability

Then: I might have had a fun crew of friends, but I still felt alone - like if people knew what I really was like, they'd just leave me. So I had this outer shell of being a hard-ass that was invulnerable. Unfortunately, the side effect was that I was defensive, judgemental, and never established any true intimacy with my friends. By mid-year, I'd lost 2 of my closest friends and was in self-isolation, because my expectations were so high and my fear so great.

Now: I've recently been lucky enough to start hanging with a new crew of super cool people, and I've resolved not to be something that I'm not. I've also renewed friendships with ppl that I haven't talked to in a while, and closed the loop on two friendships that I carelessly threw away. It may be too late to salvage those, but at least I have said that I'm sorry.

(2) Acceptance of things the way they are

Then: I remember sometime in March, I called A and started crying. "It sucks to be a grown up," I said, thinking about all the shit that I had to deal with, with no one to help. "Yeah," he agreed. "But there's no going back."

That was a life-changing moment. I'd been living my life waiting until bills were paid, until I lost weight, until I went to bschool, until until until...

Now: But once I realized that I will always have responsibilities, I buckled down and accepted them. Now I feel much more free - because I don't approach things like paying bills or dealing with car issues like a great punishment, but rather as a part of life.

In addition, I found an amazing book by David Richo called The Five Things We Cannot Change, and it literally has had a monumental effect on me. I realized that I was constantly frustrated and unhappy because I wanted things to be a certain way - things that were not of my control. This book helped me accept things the way that they are, and in doing so, find some sort of inner peace. Most importantly, it showed me that there's almost no point in getting worked up - things are going to be the way they are, bitching about them won't make a difference, so why spend the energy?

(1) The Baggage
Then: Who doesn't know that I'm the queen of commitment phobia? Even though I was dating A at the time, I refused to admit to him or myself that I ever wanted more. I ended up always being unsatisfied because of it.

Now: Well, I think I'm finally in a place where I'm comfortable enough with myself and who I am that I'm ready to have a real, meaningful relationship. Part of getting there was understanding the roots of why I've been so afraid of relationships. I'm not saying that "poof!", everything's perfect now, but I'm ready - ready enough to clear out a bunch of serious emotional baggage before the end of the year.

*** HAPPY NEW YEAR! ****


2006: a few of my favorite things

Of course, how can one end a year without Top Ten lists? I don't actually think I have 10 things for some of my categories, but here are some of my favorite things that I discovered in 2006:


You know me, I looooooove TV. And this year, I found some amazing shows - and weeded out some truly lacking ones that I've been loyal to until now
  1. Battlestar Galactica
  2. Ugly Betty
  3. Grey's Anatomy
  4. 24
  5. Brothers & Sisters
Bye bye to...
  1. Lost
  2. Desperate Housewives
  3. Nip/Tuck
  4. L&O: CI
I've struggled my whole life with not acne (thank God), but blackheads. Ew! How much money have I spent on facials? products? makeup? But I've finally found some kick-ass products that makes me happy:
  1. Bliss Steep Clean Cleansing Milk
  2. Bliss Steep Clean Moisturizer (am)
  3. Bliss An Ounce of Prevention PM
  4. Bliss Steep Clean (mask)
  5. Bliss Pore Perfecting Face Polish
  6. Fresh Appleseed Resurfacing Kit
  7. Astara Blue Flame Purification Mask
  8. Caudalie Contour Cream Eyes & Lips
  9. Bliss Oil-Free Sunban Face SPF 30
  10. Bliss Sleeping Peel Liver Spot Lifter
I'm all Bliss-ed out! Love it!

And in the Makeup Bag...
Only took me forever to find the right combo of stuff that would provide the right coverage, control shine, and not make me look like Tammy Faye Baker.
  1. Laura Mercier Secret Concealer
  2. Prescriptives Virtual Matte Oil Control Pressed Powder
  3. Sue Devitt Silky Blush
  4. Maybelline Super Stay Lipcolor
  5. Maybelline Lash Discovery Waterproof Mascara
  6. Rosebud Lip Salve
  7. Sephora Brushes
  8. Travel Eyelash Curler
  9. Nail clipper and file
Finally, The Gym Bag
After the disastrous boob-holding incident, I was determined that not having what I needed was not going to keep me from my workout! So my gym bag is fully stocked at all times with the following essentials:
  1. Extra sports bra and underwear!
  2. Knee brace
  3. iPod Video
  4. Ponds Exfoliating Clean Sweep
  5. Hair bands and bobby pins
  6. Bliss Fabulous Foaming Face Wash
  7. Deodorant (duh)
  8. Sephora Super Smart Facial Moisturizer with SPF 15
I'm happy now :-) Ahhhh... consumerism at its best.

amox + aleve = gross!

After my not-terribly-fun journey on Christmas Eve/Day, I arrived home (finally!) only to get violently ill. The cause? I mixed amoxicilan and Aleve inadvertently, and ended up with severe stomach cramps, nausea, constant vomiting and you know what else for three days. THREE DAYS! Ugh. Yesterday was the first day I was able to stay awake for more than 2 hours at a time, and eat some semblance of big people food, e.g., not soup, rice, or oatmeal.

Turns out that I had a gum infection from getting my partial crowns put in last Wed - which is why I was taking antibiotics - but it interacts very badly with Aleve.

The silver lining? No overeating this year at home! (Yes, I know, pathetic.) Plus now I'm much, much better: I have my doggies, I have real food, and I have a prescription for vicodin.

Bring on the new year!


merry f*ing christmas eve.

I'm dirty. I'm sweaty. I haven't smelled this funky since I trekked through the jungles of the Yucatan. I tied my wet hair up in a bun at 4 this morning, and now, if I take the band out, it stays in bun shape. I stopped saying "thank you" 12 hours ago, babies make me scowl, and I haven't changed my socks for two days.

Welcome to the personal hell that is holiday travel.

Yesterday, as I arrived in Salt Lake City to board my connection to Philadelphia, I found out that my flight had been canceled. I bitched, I whined, I plead under pretty lashes and innocent little Asian girl eyes, but I could not get on a flight to the East Coast until today. Well - that's not true. I had the option of taking a flight back to LAX and then flying red-eye to JFK, landing at 7am. But the thought of dragging my dad out of bed at 4 to pick me up, plus the absurdity of flying back to California after I'd just come from there, was too much. So I spent my night at the Holiday Inn, and, 27 hours after I left my house, here I sit in Atlanta.

It could have been worse. I managed to score a fellow stranded passenger's voucher to the Holiday Inn - I originally got the icky Comfort Inn. I had all my stuff on me, and am quite used to hotel living. I had extra vouchers, and had [not very good] steak for dinner. I've been in SLC before, so for whatever reason, that was a comfort, and Holiday Inn had free wireless internet through the hotel. I might have had a nervous breakdown if I couldn't get access.

My diet has of course been for sh*t. Who's thinking about diet when you're rushing from one terminal to another - in not one but FOUR airports - hoping to get onto one standby or another? Cereal, sausage, steak, wine, German choco cake, Wendy's, and even the nasty little snack cheeses that they have on board (those cheap bastards). There goes my aspiration to detox over break.

Oh well. I'll soon be home with my mommy and my baby. And then I can begin my vacation proper.


drinking liquid

We had our company holiday party on Thursday at Club Fluid. Wow. I was wrecked. I must be getting old, because I can't really handle 10 beers anymore.

But it was super fun... or at least, what I remember of it ;-)

This is ridiculous. Both Andy and Jason are 6'7". I look like I'm sitting down - but I'm not.

Some of my favorite people - who looked around in confusion when I told them that. (L-R: Dave, Leif, Ari, Corinne, Jonathan and Dax)

Lisa, Kurt and Topher

The lunch crew and then some: Rob, Ingrid, John, John, Deepali and me

Rob and Ingrid

Ingrid and me

Me, John and hair!

Mitch is such a sweetheart

Jason (aka "The Kid"), Scott and Don


cookies for code freeze!

I continue to bribe my teams into hitting their milestones with baked goods. Last week: cupcakes to celebrate hitting feature complete for the Rank Engine. This week: cookies for code freeze.

The secret to good Program Management: kickboxing and baking.


boob-holding not recommended

At least not while running.

On Tuesday, mindful of the fact that Sara and I are dead last in my very own Holiday AP Challenge, I went to the gym during lunch. When I got there, I realized that I didn't have a sports bra. Not being particularly buxom, I figured that wearing two tank tops would be enough, so I climbed onto the elliptical.

A few minutes in, I realized that things were getting a little, er, bouncy. So I decided to hold my boobs the entire 30 mins that I'm running.

The next day, I wake up and my lower back is KILLING me. Turns out that I sprained a ligament in my back! You should have seen how motified I was explaining to my doctor how I injured myself.

My doctor said that I wasn't allowed to work out for the next few days, and wasn't allowed to work out without a sports bra ever again.
